There are a lot of interesting things in world, some knowledge we can get from books, and some we cannot get from books. The editor below will share with you interesting scientific knowledge that is not in books!
1. Conditions in space are very harsh. If people don't put on spacesuits, their body temperature in space will drop to -270 °C, and they can only live for a maximum of two minutes!
2. Nanga Bawa, ninth highest peak in world, is growing at a rate of 7 millimeters per year. Scientists predict it will surpass Mount Everest, highest peak on earth in 241,000 years!
3. The average density of Earth is 5.52 grams per cubic centimeter, and density of earth's core is highest. Earth is densest planet found in our solar system!
4. Tardigrades are only creature on Earth capable of long-term survival in space. They withstand temperatures from -272°C to 150°C and can live in a vacuum for more than 10 days!
5. In vacuum of universe, if two pieces of same type of metal are in direct contact, they will automatically fuse together. Scientists call this phenomenon "cold welding"!
6. The Earth's rotation is slowing down by 1.8 milliseconds every year, and our daily time is getting longer. In age of dinosaurs, a day lasted only about 22 hours!
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